Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sudrii SPINOFF!!!!!!! Part 2

Rahi374: Before I restart, I'll just tell you: The title of this specific Sudrii story is called "Sudrii SPINOFF!!!!!!!". Okay? You got that? Oh, and make sure: There are EXACTLY 7 exclamation marks at the end, and the "SPINOFF" part MUST be all in capital! Capiche? Okay, here goes part 2:

Sudrii: The mutated Black-Stick eventually got too close and I got smashed back. Really. Well, that's no big deal, since I always get tackled back and hit my back on the hard ground. I even did it with battle armor off before! So yeah, after it smashed me backwards, it stayed over me, apparently trying to keep my to the ground. I went and tried to pry off the Black-Stick, but I remembered; it's mutated, and more powerful, the usual method might not work. I prepared the dual-energy blade and charged it with plasma. The Black-Stick noticed and went to pin down my arm with the blade. Taking that as an opportunity, I punched it from the side with my free arm, and summoned a half blade on that arm, meaning that there is a blade at the bottom part of my arm and it extends out to be bladed on both sides. The punch was powerful enough to get its hands off of my arm and to its head. So I got up while the bug withered in agony. At that time I completely forgot that it was a more powerful version.

It grinned as it sprung out, with a long, pin-looking weapon ready to stab. I deflected, and at the same time, melted the long sword with my plasma-charged dual-energy blade. It then landed on all fours and two strong-looking (in reality they're quite weak) came out of its back, similar to how I prepare laser cannons, and it fired two strong looking (like I said, in reality they're weak) beams at me. In Pokemon, I guess they'd be called "bug type". Here, they're more like... like...... nothing. remember, lasers are just concentrated light. I guess when they mutated the Black-Stick, they severed the energy supply, so the laser was just a bundle of light, not too concentrated to harm anything, and it bounced harmlessly off of my armor. I could've absorbed it, but, ah well, it wasn't too much energy anyway. I called up two stone pillars from the ground, sending the bug flying in the air. Then, as it was flying, I recharged my dual-energy blade with electricity and zinate and fired a concentrated beam at the mid-air Black-Stick. It hit directly in the chest of the bug, and it came flying down a few seconds later. Satisfied that it was done for, I scanned it for any cross-dimension travelling units and found nothing, and then I sent it to the pocket-dimension prison, the Shadow Asylum.

As I walked on, I started feeling something strange well, I don't know what it is, that's why it's strange. It just.... didn't feel right. It felt different. Then I started following the strange feeling. A few minutes later, I got to a big warehouse. The door was... open, for some particularly unknown reason. Then I saw it. The strange thing. I saw a quick shadow move inside the warehouse. There was a sign next to the door saying:

"All Intruders are Welcome"

I knew that that was a trap, so I walked in while turning on my cloak and stealth field. I thought that if I wasn't detected i any way, I wouldn't have to worry about defense, so I kept my shield off, and I changed my battle armor to the Elite Battle Armor. That way I wouldn't be heard either, well, at least not as much as a really heavy suit of armor with cyborg weapons. The warehouse was mostly empty. Like, it was just a really big room with absolutely nothing in it. Then I felt it. The cloaking and stealth field that I had on were force-killed, and the door behind me was shut and locked. I immediately changed my battle armor to my normal, built-in battle armor and sent a scan pulse. The results weren't good. Really, they weren't.

Sudrii SPINOFF!!!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED..........

Rahi374: Okay. That's probably the end of part 2. But, I still want to go on, so here goes part 3! Actually, I'll just move it to a new place.

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