Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Imagine It

Rahi374: So, I was thinking about writing an epilogue for The Reawakening of a Legend, but I couldn’t find any material so I’ll just start another story.

We, well at least I, don’t know too much about the other moons of Ladok, so, I was thinking about having this story take place in one of the other moons. I chose Taluk, which is the moon that we, or at least I, don’t know too the most about. All I know about it is that it resembles the forest moon of Endor from Star Wars.

This story pretty much explains how Sudrii discovered his Zinate powers. And it takes place on Taluk since I need something about Taluk.

So let’s see… this story takes place in… in…. wait… umm…. Let’s see… 900 B.G.E which… in human years, it would be…995 AD. On the moon of Taluk…

Sudrii: I woke up one morning, and, since I have to “show, not tell”, I’ll just go quickly over the important things that happened. I went downstairs to ready a piece of toast, got dressed, picked up my briefcase, stuck the piece of toast in my mouth, and ran out the door.

After I was half way to work, I realized that I forgot to lock the door. I then ran back and locked it.

Okay, that was… trivial. I guess you didn’t need to know that, but anyway, I got to work two seconds before I would’ve been late. Just then, I remembered that today I had a business trip! That as no big deal though. I just headed up to the hangar and got on the space transport.

Comment added by Sudrii at 116 A.G.E (2011): In case you know what the H4 transport is, it wasn’t invented yet so that’s not the vehicle we got on. The H4 transport was invented later in the Great Ladok War (10 BGE-0 BGE (1885-1895))

Sudrii (At the time of this story): Half an hour later, we landed on the forest moon of Ladok called Taluk. It is one of the neighbouring moons of Kavalax, and is covered completely in a rainforest. I think I remember back at school they thaught us that Taluk only  has one climate type called “tropical wet”. Since this is my first time to Taluk, I had no idea what a “tropical wet” climate type is. Especially since my moon is supposed to be “desert” climate type, though the Six Great Poles control the climate so we are abundant with water and grass~~

Anyway, as we were landing, I looked out the window to see their hangar. I was very surprised to see that all it was just a lot of wooden boards on top of each other. As we landed, I was scared that the platform would fall, but, it didn’t even creak! The same thing happened as I got off and set foot on the weak-looking wooden platform.

Just then, I heard a loud creaking noise a few ten meters away, followed by a scream, and a whole lot of gasps.

The pilot guided us, or should I say “me”, since I’m the only one there, to the main office. When we got inside, I could see, the inside was very gorgeous and expensive-looking, kind of like the White House. Actually, I don’t know, since I don’t even know what the White House looks like on the inside, neither have I ever heard of the White House, it just popped up in my mind.

Anyway, I was just mesmerized by what in the inside of this building was like as I worked my way through the maze with walls of pure wood, cracks, and termites. I finally got to the meeting room, then I sat down and got out my computer.

I don’t think you’d like to listen to what exactly was said in the meeting, so I’ll just skip to the next important part.

Rahi374: To be honest, I don’t even know what a meeting is like. That’s the real reason why I’m skipping it. Anyway, I’ll let Sudrii continue.

Sudrii: An odd looking guy or at least I’m pretty sure he’s a guy, since I couldn’t see any part of him except for his eyes came in right when our meeting finished. He was covered in some black suit from head to toe, except for his eyes, had star-shaped blades on his waist, and a big sword on his back.

I was wondering what kind of crazy person he is when he pulled out the thin sword on his back, and prepared to cut the nearest guy. Not wanting to see what would happen next, I closed my eyes, but at the same time imagined that I could save the person who was being attacked somehow.

Just then, I heard a loud THUD.

I opened my eyes to see that the crazy person had been thrown against the wall by some mysterious force. But as I looked around, everybody was staring at me. The crazy person got up, widened his eyes at me, and fled.

“Can you just wait here a little while?” asked Lano, the Taluk leader.

“Sure” I replied.

After everybody cleared out, Lano came over to talk to me.

“That power you used earlier, do you know what it is?” he asked.

“Uh… no?”

“Do you know the myth of the Zinate Users?”

“Umm…. Yes?” I suggested.

“Good. I think that power you have there is that of a Zinate User.” explained Lano “It consists of controlling the gaseous zinate inside you after you eject it outside. Here, let’s go out to train with it for a while.”

We then walked outside and took a lift down to the ground. I looked up after we landed and started to get worried that the big planks above would fall.

“Don’t worry” said Lano, for some reason being able to read my mind.

We then got to this big, well that would be over exaggerating so, a small clearing with a few Styrofoam pillars. I wondered how this place would be good for training. I could just punch these things down.

“Okay. I’m guessing that you know that basics of Zinate Using. I’ll just test you just in case.” He said. “Now use your Zinate to move that rock over there into my hand” He opened his palm.

I guessed how to use Zinate from the movies that I watched back when I was a kid. I closed my eyes and-

“Don’t close your eyes!” I heard Lano shouting “This ability is supposed to be used in battle! If you close your eyes, then it would give the opponent an opportunity! Plus, you can’t see what you’re trying to move! Now open those eyes!”

I sighed. I opened my eyes and stretched out my open hand towards the rock. I imagined the rock moving and, it moved! It rose slowly in the air and as I moved my hand, it moved where it pointed. I brought it up, and a bit farther away, and landed it into Lano’s open hand.

“Very well. For basics. This basic form can be used as well without stretching out your hand. Remember that this ability is merely controlling some super-strong air molecules” he explained “now move that tree branch over here with your hands to your sides”

I put my hands down and imagined the tree branched being moved. And it did! I brought it up into Lano’s hand again.

“Good. Now you have mastered one of the two things that you can do with Zinate. Now comes the last” he said, kind of sounding like Master Yoda, though not speaking like him.

“What you have to do, is create a weapon, and invisible one, with Zinate, and somehow destroy those Styrofoam pillars. You can also create defensive items, but that is pretty much the same, so I won’t train you on that.”

“Okay….” I said “Just exactly…. How do I do that? Like, make the weapon.”

“The most important thing, in fact, the only thing that you need to do is imagine

“Okay. If you say so!”

I then cupped my hands together as if holding a sword. I then imagined a sword being there. A big, but light, and somewhat swift sword. I could feel the air, I mean, gaseous Zinate forming a sword. A whole solid object, being created by mere gas. And there it was, the perfect, gorgeous sword in my hands…. that was invisible.

I brought the sword up, and sliced the Styrofoam pillars swiftly. I was quite surprised that I could…. could…. sense where the sword was.

Lano, for some reason being able to read my confusion, explained it.
“The gaseous Zinate is technically part of you. It is generated by you, and is part of your body. That is why Kavalaxians can’t live without it. It’s part of their body, like any kind of organ. Having all the Zinate sucked out, is pretty much the same as having, say, your heart being sucked out. So keep it safe.”

“But then, what I just did, I ejected it from my body, didn’t I?” I asked

“As long as you have a tiny bit of Zinate still in you, your body can produce more. So as long as it’s not all gone, you’re still fine”

“Now it’s almost time for you to leave, and your body is probably tired from all that Zinate being ejected. It’s hard in the beginning, but as you get used to it, it seems as easy as breathing. So go back, and get some rest. I had a good time.” said Lano.

I got back on the space transport and went back to my house. I then just went straight to bed.


Sudrii: The next morning, I got up and went downstairs, remembering that today was Sunday. I plopped myself down on the couch, reaching for the TV remote and the newspaper. I turned on the TV and read one of the headlines on the newspaper:
I chuckled and threw down the newspaper.
The date read:

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Reawakening of a Legend (Version 1.0)

Rahi374: So…. I know that I’m in the middle of two stories now, but I created this new story, and I might forget it if I don’t write it down. Here I go! Just got to school early, an unusual thing for me, since I usually only come a couple seconds before the bell rings. I got unpacked and sat down, ready to do absolutely nothing. I turned around randomly and met eyes with a girl who sits 3 rows behind me. We stared at each other for a few seconds and she finally  smiled and said “Hello!”.

If it was usual, I would have smiled, replied “Hello” or “Hi”, and turned back. But, this wasn’t normal. The air didn’t feel right… It felt as if… It felt ominous. As if…. As if there was an assassin in this room, at this moment.

“Don’t move” I told her as I got up and walked to the back of the room.
I then armored up my fist, and threw a punch at the space above her head. As I thought, there was a big CRUNCH sound followed by the sound of metal falling on the ground.

“So, you managed to find me” said some weird, unfamiliar voice.

“Yeah, pretty much” I replied.

The person who’s voice that I didn’t recognize turned off his cloaking field and came into view. I didn’t recognize him, so I scanned him with my multipurpose headgear and found that he is a Xyglov “pawn”. “This battle shouldn’t be hard”, I thought. I was quickly proven wrong about that, which is quite rare for a Xyglov, let alone a pawn, when he fired a set of 6 plasma charged laser beams at me. I was… speechless. Literally. I think it’s quite hard to talk when there are 6 holes in your body, especially if I was in my human form. I hit the opposing wall and fell. Well, fortunately, I somewhat evolved in the past 1116 years for my healing rods to come out automatically, so I don’t have to worry about dying from blood loss.

Apparently, the Xyglov pawn didn’t notice and moved in for the kill. Well, by moving for the kill, I mean that he was going to kill the girl, not me. He pulled out his energy knife, grabbed her, and set his knife on her neck as he asked if she had any last words. She was too shocked to respond, and as he pulled his knife for momentum, I teleported the girl. It did take up a lot of energy from me, and the Xyglov’s knife stabbed into himself.

“How dare you…” he sighed. “I was going to finish her off swiftly and nicely, but if I have to do it by force, there’s no holding back.” He said angrily.

He pinned the girl at the location that she was standing at with some kind of dimensional tool. He then walked over, a smaller, plasma-charged knife in hand, and raised it. I didn’t have too much energy left after the first teleportation and healing myself after the first shot. There was only one thing in my power that I could do.

The Xyglov brought down the small blade on her shoulder. Well, since I switched bodies, I should say, I felt it, not her. When switching bodies, the only things that are traded are the neurons. So when I switched this time, I brought  half  of my abilities with me; that way the girl wouldn’t feel the six holes in my original body and I could heal her wound on her shoulder.

The Xyglov didn’t notice and pulled out the knife. As the knife came out, a healing rod went into the wound. That’s when he noticed.

“What did you do?” he asked, somewhat angry and correctly guessing that I was in the girl’s body.

“Nothing” I said playfully. And, out of habit, I shouted, “Battle Armor on!”, completely forgetting that this body doesn’t have its own battle armor.

But I was caught by surprise.

I could hear armor plates fold up and out on top of each other, from the torso and outwards. I could see the plates cover up my face and special lenses take over. When the battle armor was successfully activated, I looked down and immediately recognized it.

“Wha..What… it can’t be…” the Xyglov stammered and fell back a couple steps.

I smiled and said “Well, it did happen. Every Xyglov should know this being. The biggest enemy to them, a tiny bit higher than Sudrii.”

I opened up a dual-energy blade. Or at least a weapon that resembled it. The Xyglov laughed.

“Ha! Pathetic! I thought that that being is the most feared by the Xyglovs, but she uses the same weapons as Sudrii! I can beat you easily. Be prepared for death…” he grinned.

“We’ll see” I grinned back and opened up the dual-energy blade so the the two blades on the sides spilt in two, as if  two glued pieces of paper are being separated again.

“What’s that?” asked the Xyglov.

“One of the legendary weapons. The X-energy blade!” I stated, and fired the energy that I charged a couple seconds ago. As it hit the Xyglov, he was, like, thrown to the other side of the room as well as being scorched over most of his body.

“Do you want to see the other weapon of the legend?” I asked, grinning.

“I’m, I’m perfectly fine” he stammered, not looking well at all.

“So be it” I said, and deployed a small laser cannon on my back.

“I would go and laugh at that pathetic-looking weapon, but from what happened last time, I won’t. Plus, that legendary weapon looks familiar…”

“Yeah, I expect you to know this weapon. It resembles the Phase-1 Laser Cannon, but has the power more than a Phase-9, and the charge time of a Phase-1. You can probably guess it… after you have a taste of its power” I said, somewhat evilly.

I then started to charge the cannon, but then it just fired! And, like the previous weapon, scorched the Xyglov. I activated the headgear, and checked my remaining energy level and found that a lot had been used in that previous shot. Also, I saw that the Xyglov pretty much did not have any energy left.

I put away the cannon and the headgear, noting that I’m going to have to upgrade my own headgear. Then I walked over to the Xyglov and picked him up by the neck.

“It’s over. I won’t ask if you want death or not. But go, and tell the others. The Legend has reawaken.”

 I’m just being nice. If it was usual, I won’t tell you. But this, is a warning. You won’t win anyway. So go, and tell them.” I said as I dropped him into a portal that was opened on the floor.

After that, I checked the headgear again and found that this body was pretty much healed. I then switched back bodies. There was still much time left until the six holes in my body recovered.

As I walked back to my seat to standby for the school bell, I activated my communicator and sent a message to HQ.

“Code 11*. Nakrila.”

* This is one of the codes used by, in the Core Universe, the Remnants of Kavalax, and in the Project Revenge Alternate Universe, by the Crystal Stone Alliance. It is near to never used, and is used to inform the whole organization that The Legend has reawakened, or, found and revived.